Welcome to Castlehill Primary School
On behalf of all of our staff, I would like to welcome all parents, carers and visitors to our school website. We hope you find the information we have provided on our site helpful. If you do need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at school.
Castlehill Primary is located in Campbeltown in Kintyre.
We have a strong sense of community, family, friendship and inclusion in our school and we aim at all times to give our children the opportunity to make the best possible start in their learning and their school lives.
Richard Long
Head Teacher
Castlehill Newsletter Feb25 Castlehill Newsletter Nov24 Castlehill Newsletter Sep24

About the School
Castlehill is situated in Campbeltown on the peninsula of Kintyre. We have a current school roll of 171 and a very experienced and dedicated teaching and support staff. We are proud of the talents, achievements and kindness of our children. We have very strong and active traditions in instrumental music and in fundraising for a great variety of charities.
The school opens in the morning at 9.00 am and closes at 3.15 pm. Lunch is from 12 noon till 12.45 pm. Breaks are from 10.30 am till 10.45 am and from 2.00 pm till 2.15 pm.
Class Stages are Primary 1 to Primary 7 and the school welcomes pupils of all religious denominations. The school does not currently have a Gaelic Medium Unit.
Parents/guardians are asked to ensure that telephone contact numbers – home, work and emergency contact(s) are kept up-to-date and are numbers at which a response can be obtained in all normal circumstances.
If you have any concerns relating to your child, please contact the school office in the first instance.